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Welcome to online fishing shop where you can choose from many categories related to fishing. Bellow you can see more subcategories under Purple Haze. Here you will find Purple Haze online and you can find very cheap Purple Haze aswell.

Purple Haze Sub Categories:

You are now located in the Purple Haze sub category and here you can buy Purple Haze for the best price.


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Random fishing Flies


Formulator Yellow

Formulator Yellow

Your price: $2.25

Looking more like an extraterrestrial than a traditional terrestrial pattern, the fact remains that this Formulator Yellow fly catches fish. With its rubber legs, foam body and wild buggy design, trout may not know exactly what it is — they just know it looks good to eat. A perfect lead fly for a hopper-dropper rig

WD40, Gray

WD40, Gray

Your price: $1.50

A relatively new fly compared to many, the WD40 came on to the scene and has proven itself quickly as a fly to fish. An effective fly fished in the surface film, just under the surface or swept up from the deeper zones. The Gray WD40 is a fly to have when you're fishing tailwaters, spring creeks, and waters with good concentrations of midge and mayflies. You should not venture out without some Gray WD40's in your fly box.